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Core Java, Collection, Java 8, Advanced Java · What is JDK, JRE, JVM and JIT? JDK: is Java Development Kit. It is a full-featured software development...
All sorting algorithms (Merge, Insertion, Selection, Bubble, Heap) in Java · Sorting algorithms are essential tools in the toolkit of any programmer....
Java program to reverse long number and print it as array · In this blog post, we’ll explore how to write a Java program that reverses a long number and...
Bitwise operators - Shift bits & Bit insertion in Java · Step 1: Create a mask to clear the bits from position A to position B in X. Step 2: Clear the...
Using System.in and System.out in Java · In Java, System.in and System.out are the standard input and standard output streams, respectively. stdin and...
Java Program for Basic Encoding Problem in Unstop · Given problem statement: Input Format First line contains a single integer denoting the number of...